Tag Archives: Fantasy Faire 2023

•{ Why I Relay : Holding to Hope

WhyILosing my mom and grandmother to cancer… it’s a pain that seeps into every corner of my being. I was 27 when I had to say goodbye to my mom, and three years prior, I watched my grandmother slip away. Both of them, strong women, pillars in my life, reduced to frailty by this relentless disease.

It’s hard to put into words the anguish of witnessing someone you love deteriorate before your eyes. Cancer is a thief, stealing away not just their health but their essence, their spirit. I remember the nights spent in hospitals, the endless cycles of treatment, the hopeful whispers of “maybe this time it will work,” only to be crushed by the reality of its progression.

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Why I Relay – A Blogger Challenge

The fight. 

It came out of the darkness, out of the blue. It came in whispers, in moments of sensation only slightly out of the ordinary. It came in the hesitation, the unexpectedly repeated review, the ‘let me just run this past…’ on an otherwise idyllic hot summer morning.

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Thank You Fairelanders!

My dear Fairelanders and friends,

Every year after the Fantasy Faire wraps up, my team and I feel closer and closer to the amazing worlds you create in Second Life through this wonderful and engaging event. The physical world we all share must deal with the cruel effects of cancer, but you are helping to change that!

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It Has Only Just Begun

In the days that follow the closing of the Faire, I often find myself feeling like the classic “stranger in a strange land.”

I know that I am not alone in this feeling. Over those brief few weeks between the arrival of the Fairelands and their inevitable Fading, we come to see ourselves – quite tangibly – as citizens of those beautiful, magical worlds. In their absence, even the other virtual regions in which we live, work and play don’t quite resonate with us as they did before the Faire opened. And life in the physical world can seem utterly mundane by comparison.

“Oh dear,” I find myself thinking. “Day One of this reentry has been tough. And it has only just begun.”

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