LitFest Tour • Tuesday, April 30 • 1pm SLT • Growanda

The Company of Faire Folk rides out! Or walks, flies, ambles, swims, or otherwise navigates as you prefer. Our Tour today is to Growanda, the Arts and Entertainment Faireland, designed by Lilia Artis and Haveit Neox, and sponsored by The Akipelago.

Giant plants thrive in a warm climate. The inhabitants live in caves and hollowed fungus or trees.

Things to see:
In the West are two art galleries. Second Life artists display their photography on fantasy themes there. Also in the West is the souvenir shop where all purchases are donations to RFL. There is also a freebie in the shop. A great view of the Fairechild ship can be seen facing North through the garden pass between the two galleries. Bring up your draw distance if you can, and you will see the ship emerge in the mists.

In the center is the ancient open air Flamingo Temple. It is a haven for animals to bask in the sun and drink from the temple’s watering hole. Look up the tall stone tower to the seating area there. The flamingos are from the Flamingo Parade which greets the builders across all the regions before building begins. It is an annual tradition. They tower like pink mountains, and from the air, I could swear that this mountain range describes the shape of smiles. This family group stood in gigantic proportion in the water, I merely rescaled them small and gave them a permanent home at Growanda.

In the East is the tiger field. Here we see a variety of very colorful animals native to Growanda.

In the South is the performance stage. Troupes perform here on the open ocean as the audience sits on the beach well shaded by umbrellas. To the West of the audience area, in the shallow ocean, is Pokee, the four fingered monkey taking a raft cruise. A sign asks visitors not to feed the sharks.

Hidden Secrets:
To the left of the Westmost gallery, is a small area where Hubert the owl lives in his hollow tree trunk. Sculpted by Lilia Artis, Hubert sits in his small room with oil paintings by Lilia on the curved wall.

Things to Ponder:
Who may have built the stone tower?
Why is the architecture of the Flamingo Temple so bright and angular compared to the rest of Growanda?
How did the plants grow to such heights?

LitFest Tour Information

Tours leave daily at either 1:00 pm or 5:00pm from the bus stop in Samsara to explore the Fairelands.

We hope you will be inspired by every Faireland you visit! There are many stories to be told. Some are woven into the bones of each land. Others grow from your ideas and experiences.

You are invited to share your writing in the writing circles and open mics we host at LitFest. Or you can send a story or poem inspired by the Tours to, and we will post it on the website. If your imagination turns to film, we also have our film festival, which includes presentations, interviews, how-to sessions, showings, and a contest.

Thanks to Swank Events for Sponsoring the Lit Fest Tours!
Swank Events are hosted by Adonis Lubomir. A monthly shopping event focused on providing Residents with the hottest products in home and garden, beauty, fashion, meshes, and more! With a new theme each round, SWANK Event runs from 7th to the end of the month.

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