LitFest Tour • Tuesday, April 30 • 5pm SLT • The Duskfall Court

The Company of Faire Folk rides out! Or walks, flies, ambles, swims, or otherwise navigates as you prefer. Our Tour today is led by Gwen Enchanted and takes us to The Duskfall Court, designed by Dacien & Marcel Blackwood, Crow, and Lemony Nova, and sponsored by Quills & Curiosities and Cryptid.

“Faeries are nice beings, they grant wishes. Right?” – Unknown

Well (as Evelyn Waugh wrote) up to a point, Lord Copper.

While some certainly do nice things and some may even grant wishes; others still play harmless pranks to fool the mortals they encounter. To most the fae are mischievous tricksters on the surface and no true threat. However the fae hierarchy stretches and grows like the roots of the oldest trees in the forest and for every bit of light and shimmer as branches raise high in the sky; there is dark and shadow as roots dig deep into the earth.

The Duskfall Court is the seat of shadow and where pranks are rarely harmless. Those who abide by its laws find themselves watched over by the nobility of the court. Those who tread these woods best watch out because the woods watch back and will not hesitate to ensnare the unwary.

The region is bathed in a ghostly, dusky light of blues and purples. What mysteries lurk on the shadows? What dangers peer out at you from under the eaves of the buildings, or between the leaves and branches of the trees?

The Faelands are a curious place indeed. Rumors and superstitions thrive about the denizens and creatures of those lands. While most skirt a truth of some type there are often untruths and flights of fantasy in the tales. Some familiar ones you may hear are that all fae do nice things like granting wishes, or that they’re all beautiful and ethereal looking. Some do in fact do these things, others still play harmless pranks. However there are those at the other side of the Faelands and they are not so harmless with pranks and while they may appear beautiful and glamorous it is just that, a glamour to hide the truth of their wickedness.  Such are the fae of The Duskfall Court, their pranks oft times go a bit too far and their fair appearance belies the wickedness within.

Winding along these paths sits the seat of their power, the gnarled roots of a great tree that grew upon the land when the first fair folk appeared. At the heart of the lands sits the simple clearing that to the unknowing seems innocent enough. Grass and butterflies, the tinkling of bells and laughter, crystals and an assortment of mushrooms. If one is not aware they may step into this circle and be none the wiser until it is too late. The faerie circle will ensnare them and bring them to the court where the woods watch back. Those who follow the rules of the court may find themselves in a favorable position. Potentially spared from the tricks and torments of the fae. However be mindful of the beings that even you may not see and guard your true name with your life, because to give it means giving both it and your life to some who dwell in these lands.

The Faelidae around the sim:
Of all the denizens of The Duskfall Court perhaps the most endearing are the Faelidae. These cat like fae creatures charm most with their adorable sounds and multiple ears, but be mindful they are far trickier than mortal cats dare to be. A Faelidae has no limit of lives and is twice as chaotic. These unique creatures are as much the pets and companions to those who call these lands home as those people are to them. The Faelidae are an integral part of the society here and have been known on occasion to lure their own unsuspecting mortals in with those cute chirps and purrs.   (Plankbarrow Side)  (Main Store Location)  (Lolliocalypse Side)

Areas of interest:
Tammy of the Pond (Location with the giant frog)
Tammy of the Pond is one of the denizens of the court and will at times grant her wisdom to those who seek it. Be warned though as she requires an offering for such knowledge and if yours is lacking you may find yourself on the worse end of this trade.

Location: The main landing spot
All children know the tales, as soon as they can walk and run their mothers warn them to be cautious.  
“Mind your feet and look well my child, the ring of mushrooms is no place to play. The faeries will take notice should you step inside and happily carry you away.”
This faerie circle is just as the tales warn, and those stepping inside one from lands far and wide may find themselves here a ‘guest’ of the denizens of the court.

 Location The Pile of ‘Freely Gifted Things’
In this curious little corner of the town it seems that some stray items have turned up. Surely they were freely given or traded for to have ended up here. Though the chance something slipped through the mists is also a valid suspicion. Here curious fae take note of the odd assortment of items, retelling the tales of seamen foolish enough to barter or those tricked into offering a gift without realizing it. Surely these things won’t be missed when the mists call those sailors home for it would be foolish to try and reclaim them now.  

Fest Information

Tours leave daily at either 1:00 pm or 5:00pm from the bus stop in Samsara to explore the Fairelands.

We hope you will be inspired by every Faireland you visit! There are many stories to be told. Some are woven into the bones of each land. Others grow from your ideas and experiences.

You are invited to share your writing in the writing circles and open mics we host at LitFest. Or you can send a story or poem inspired by the Tours to, and we will post it on the website. If your imagination turns to film, we also have our film festival, which includes presentations, interviews, how-to sessions, showings, and a contest.

Thanks to Swank Events for Sponsoring the Lit Fest Tours!
Swank Events are hosted by Adonis Lubomir. A monthly shopping event focused on providing Residents with the hottest products in home and garden, beauty, fashion, meshes, and more! With a new theme each round, SWANK Event runs from 7th to the end of the month.

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