LitFest Tour • Tuesday, April 23 • 1 pm SLT • Last Stop

The Company of Faire Folk rides out! Or walks, flies, ambles, swims, or otherwise navigates as you prefer. Our Tour today takes us to the Last Stop, designed and sponsored by Teegle.

Sometimes, when wandering quietly in a peaceful state of mind, a person may happen upon a place here or there that feels unusually quiet too: a place tucked away in a busy city or metropolis… a place where, moments before, they may have been surrounded by foot traffic and noise, but suddenly find themself somewhere apart from the hustle and bustle of everyday life… a place that feels familiar, yet is unfamiliar… a place that feels restful… a place that seems once to have been loved and bustling, but now sits in quiet, peaceful reflection, remembering what it once was, and pondering over what it may yet be.

Here beneath the lively streets of the Fairegrounds lies one such place: a once busy subway station, now resting quietly beneath the elysian waters of the Mists. Dive into the tranquil waters of this forgotten thoroughfare, where this world bleeds into the next, and you may discover the pathway to a world beyond.

LitFest Information

Tours leave daily at either 1:00 pm or 5:00pm from the bus stop in Samsara to explore the Fairelands.

We hope you will be inspired by every Faireland you visit! There are many stories to be told. Some are woven into the bones of each land. Others grow from your ideas and experiences.

You are invited to share your writing in the writing circles and open mics we host at LitFest. Or you can send a story or poem inspired by the Tours to, and we will post it on the website. If your imagination turns to film, we also have our film festival, which includes presentations, interviews, how-to sessions, showings, and a contest.

Thanks to Swank Events for Sponsoring the Lit Fest Tours!
Swank Events are hosted by Adonis Lubomir. A monthly shopping event focused on providing Residents with the hottest products in home and garden, beauty, fashion, meshes, and more! With a new theme each round, SWANK Event runs from 7th to the end of the month.

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