Invitation to Perform Fantasy Faire 2024!

It is time to send in your applications to perform at Fantasy Faire 2024!

We are looking for Dancers, Actors, Music & Magic Makers to show off your talents at one of the biggest events of the SL year! Help raise funds for RFL by sharing your art with the Fairlands travellers. What we require is original work on a Fantasy Theme. So bring out the pixiedust and work that magic!

The Faire will open this year on Thursday, April 18th and closes on Sunday, May 5th. And we plan to fill the program with performances of all kinds during all hours of the day, to suit our worldwide audience.

Interested? Fill out the form on the link below:

Do pick as many dates as you find suitable/ possible for you to perform and we will try to distribute the time slots as evenly as possible between those interested.

The last day to sign up is on Leap-day, February 29th and the sooner we have you on our list, the bigger your chance to get your preferred days and times.

For any further questions please message Aelva Resident, notecards if I am not online or responding, and I shall help you as best I can:)

Let the Magic Begin!

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