New Adventures and New Friends!

Jinglingling! . . . Jinglingling! comes the familiar sound of one most dapper and cute. From a far away land, from a castle where owls deliver the mail, travels Mr. Templeton the Vested Owl. His last visit to the Fairelands had brought him much joy, and made him many friends; and so it was not a difficult decision for him to return to the Fairelands when the veil once more lifted.

Of course, Tempie’s first stop was to see the Bard Queen of the Fairelands! Unlike last time, however, where communication was always difficult with hoomans, whether they knew Owl or not, Mr. Templeton brought a friend! A sparkling Fae known as Fawntia who had heard of Tempie’s dashing nature and daring conduct, and met him when last in the Fairelands, flew to greet him when he arrived. Surely this new friend would aid greatly in whatever was in store for him. And aid she immediately did!

“Welcome home, my friend,” greeted the Bard Queen as Mr. Templeton stared on with the simultaneously wise and seemingly empty stare of an owl. His chest puffs out as he shifts to what can only be described as a proud gaze as return greeting, causing the fluffy feathers of his chest to tuft out just that much more above his vest. And what luck! The Bard Queen did, indeed, have a task for the dutiful Mr. Templeton. A mystery to solve! At length she explains how her Ministers have been causing her great worry with their secretive and elusive behavior towards her. Who better to send than Tempie the Owl? Surely she didn’t mind the blank look on Tempie’s downy face.

With a mightily chuffed HOO, Mr. Templeton assents to investigate once the full translation and situation was given by his trusty companion. It was off to meet one of the Diplomats… someone named Theo. Another friend that Mr. Templeton would surely have zero trouble making. With some flitting and floating and flying, Fawntia and Tempie made their way to Harvest Home where they were to meet this Theo. Upon meeting Theo, a Snow Leopard, Mr. Templeton and he didn’t even need to converse. In one another they could sense kindred spirits of kindness. But of course, they couldn’t converse because Mr. Templeton can not speak Leopard… or English… or any language except Owl for that matter. Thank goodness for Fawntia! It was soon made clear that they would immediately meet with the Ministers so that all would be quickly made clear. With a great amount of excitement, for Mr. Templeton was told of an owl Minister with another magnificent name, the three set off for a nearby cave… but not before Tempie made sure to get a ride.