Roleplay 2022

There have been roleplay groups within the Faire regions since 2014, and this year is no exception! The Children of Stories will play out and explore a special storyline tied to the Fairelands. This year they will be in the Hunros Mine as the Union of the Sniffer Moles. We will be following their path on the website, but you can also catch them and perhaps even join in the roleplay in the Fairelands! If you are interested in joining in their adventures, read more about them here.

There will also be regular Meet ’n’ Greets with the The NeoVictoria Project. They have been a part of the Faire roleplay since the beginning, so they have many stories to tell!  You can find more information about the Meet ‘n’ Greets shortly.

We will also be running our very popular roleplay classes. You can find out more about the schedule for the classes here.

For several years now we have also had tabletop gaming in the Fairelands: if you are interested in joining in their adventures, read more about them here.

History of Roleplay at the Faire
The Fairelands have hosted groups of roleplayers and been a part of their stories since 2014. Each group has made Fairelands come more alive, solving mysteries — often with visitor participation — and sometimes saving even the Fairelands themselves in the process!

Roleplay in 2021
Roleplay in 2020
Roleplay in 2019
Roleplay in 2018
Roleplay in 2017
Roleplay in 2016
Roleplay in 2015
Roleplay in 2014

A RFL of SL Event